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  Proposal Evaluations

Proposal Evaluations


Bid proposals are submitted to the client prior to the bid closing time indicated in the General Requirements of the Bid Specifications. They are submitted on Pointe Counseling Services (PCS) Bid Summary packet. The arrangement of the summary offers several advantages to provide the client the opportunity to realize some cost savings in the counselors' fees.


Each page of the summary answers questions about a specific coverage being proposed. The questions generally verify that coverage is in compliance with the specifications. Each page also requires the bidder to note any variances with the specs and gives them a chance to call attention to any recommendations the bidders may have to broaden coverage or lessen costs. The bidder may specify coverage or premium alternatives which they feel are worth consideration.


One of the final pages of the summary ask for the payment options available for the premiums. A separate section deals with the general requirements such as Errors & Omissions Coverage for the bidder. Specimen copies of policies are furnished if required. Lastly, of course, the premium development page displays the cost of the proposed program. It is the practice of PCS not to review this section of the proposal until all the coverages have been evaluated for compliance with the bid specs. Evaluation is accomplished by assigning percentages of compliance for each coverage. If a bid provides coverage above and beyond the bid specs, additional points are given while shortcomings are penalized.


The evaluation process is time consuming for PCS as it should be to properly consider each proposal. The evaluations are reviewed by the PCS team before recommendations are rendered to the client. We believe these efforts pay off in strong recommendations for the betterment of the clients' Insurance and Risk Management Program.



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